Lady Spring Art     
Errrm. Took me at least 12 hours to do the lineart and color it, and the bg and effects took like 2. Yayyyy! I need to do these things faster

Here it is on dA

This image is mine and you cannot use it w/o my permission, or you are breaking copyright laws. I should make a watermark for these.

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Snow. On the first day of Spring. Dangit.,

Some guy with a distinctly Indian accent called me today. Here's how the conversation went, word by word, not exagerations.

Me: Hello?
Caller: pause Hello?
Me: Hello?
Caller: Hi we are blah blah blah didn't get it are here to ask if you have installed a smoke alarm.
Me: Frankly, I don't care right now.
Caller: Huh?
Me: I don't care, I don't know. pause Sorry, uhhh I don't know. Have a nice day.
Caller: Okay, you have a nice day too.
Me: shuts off phone before I put in some sarcastic comment about how it's SNOWING and it's the first day of spring

Errrr....well here's a WIP of something I'm working on. It's ironically called Lady Spring

Ermmm...usually I'm not that rude on the phone, but today, I'm not feeling it. So tired and MCAS tomorrow. MCAS stands for more than Massachusetts Comprehension Assessment System. MA has the hardest of all state tests TT_TT. It's a good thing and bad.

Comments always appreciated. <3

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I Found an Answer

unnamed Original Character, also known as an OC (top)
Roxas, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (bottom)

I figured out another reason. I'll post my painchat (pchat) doodles here, so that I'd feel a sense of accomplishment and not wasting my time. The ones above are a couple of my most recent scrawls. Chances are, I'll make one huge dump of these to post on dA but its too much to post every individual picture. I have this weird obsession (can you call it an obsession?) with drawing guys--I can never pick up a pencil and think about drawing a girl. Hell no--it's gonna be a dude. Which is strange, since art is female-dominated.

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Reasons for Blog

Usually, I don't give a crap about social networking and such, but this blog is to act as a second place for me to post my art. I use deviantArt a lot, but I figured that I should get my own website some time and this is where I'm starting. But here is where I rant, ramble, and go on and on about other things and art, like P.I.I.G.S. that doesn't have to do with art. And discuss life, and possibly existentialism, which is actually an ability that not everyone can do on their own, according to multiple intelligences.

But mostly, I'll use this to list things that I have to do. Commissions, art trades, contests, and other art related stuff. I'll...figure out more uses for this later.

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