OC: Vincent

I've been drawing my OC Vince a lot. The second pic is how he really looks, and the others are all of him shota. SHOTA SHOTA SHOTA. Everytime poor Vincent falls he turns into a 13 year old. Poor guy. Oops, I left the little layers box in the first screenshot. alszdjfalsdjf

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DOES ANYONE HAVE A SKYPE? My contact list is pitiful.

Well I finished this a while ago, and this is a late b-day gift for my friend Jess. Really late. Eheh.

And I drew this a long time ago too. Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. Well I felt like updating so here's some stuff.

Recently I've been reading a lot of shojo and shonen-ai. I should seriously stop b/c it's probably unhealthy to look at that many sparkly bishies in one day. Orzzz.
Note to self: Take an art class.

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